Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Crosswords and Bridge jogging every kind of brain?

This is a question we are often asked in our classes and get lessons.

The quick answer is that during free time such as crossword puzzles, sudoku, bridge, chess, poker, etc. to do the best for you and better than nothing, they are usually in their field of mental cross-training is limited and not very controlled in order to ensure the right mix of challenge and novelty.

If they do often, what you do is fun and can not hurt. But it can not becomplete. Current recommendations by a panel of experts to review whether a survey conducted by the American Society on Aging, said: "a single activity, however sophisticated, is not sufficient to determine the type of mental acuity that can reach virtually anyone to be supported. "

Use your brain to solve creative challenges for the practice is excellent and help slow the effects of aging. The limitation with your current brain workout program is that it is not enough variety or noveltyto prepare all your mental muscles. Have you ever support the guys in the gym with the buff upper body through small chicken leg? The same can happen in your brain. Just as you cross-train in your physical fitness routine (mixing heart with strength training and flexibility), balance training, they must cross to be trained, the mental and physical fitness exercise your brain through motor coordination, emotional understanding, memory, concentration, attention, sensoryProcesses, communication, language skills and mental visualization.

About how you can measure your improvement if you do not have a way to measure it? Using computer software to give a score at baseline, training routines for the brain, and follow-up test, you get a measure of your improvement. So basically, you can now make a concentrated training with language and memory, but with the challenge of inconsistent and limited feedback. to provide a structured programFun evaluation, innovation and performance-based challenge, and more. This more mental stimulation can increase neurogenesis, or the creation of new neurons and connections between neurons.

A randomized controlled double-blind, published in August 2006 "shows they can cause intense, engaging training plasticity in improving cognitive function in normal mature adults." Challenging the cognitive functions of learning and leads to neurogenesis. Socontinue to do crosswords and sudoku, especially if they enjoy it, but do not neglect the rest of your brain!

Conclusion: The activity that you like, but be sure of the things that take on new challenges and different types of stimulation.


- D. and A. Gamon Bragdon Building mental muscle: training exercises for the six areas of intelligence (Walker & Company, 2003). ISBN: 0802776698

- Mahncke HW, Connor BB, Appelman J, et al. Memory Enhancement inhealthy older adults with a plasticity-based training program of the brain: a randomized controlled trial. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2006 103:12523-8.

- Scarmeas N, Stern Y. Cognitive reserve and lifestyle. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2003; 25:625-33.

- Willis SL, Tennstedt SL, Marsiske M, et al. Long-term effects of cognitive training on everyday functional outcomes in older adults. JAMA. 2006; 296:2805-14.

Copyright (c) 2007 Sharp Brains

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