Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Word Search Puzzles Kids Can Make

Children like to use. Make sure you have other options as compared to television and video games! Make word search puzzles for friends and family is a great hobby. But the children no ordinary puzzle with a random series of words having to do. Use one of the ideas below a puzzle with a twist! Children can learn new words, practice their spelling, cool gifts, and have fun while doing these puzzles.

Puzzle base:

First, a package of graph paper purchased at your local officeto save energy. Purchase graph paper with 4 squares per inch, for children aged 8 years. With the start in a corner of a card, you can make different puzzles from a single page. A package of graph paper can last for months!
Always think that is going to solve the hospitality / puzzle before you do. Choose the simplest words and more words for young solvers for old friends

A. Use only one word

Choose a word of interest in the person who receives it. Take, for example, that the grandmotherApple decor of her kitchen. Your word puzzle could be Apple.

Make a puzzle square, about 12 x 12 squares. Write the word APPLE those who work in different directions about 4 or 5 times. Then fill in the blanks with A, P, L, E, until all spaces are filled. Cut the puzzle. Glue on a piece of cardboard cut in the shape of a red apple.
Then ask grandma, "How often do you find the word apple?" You will be thrilled to the heart!
Can you imagineof a lot more fun to hide them as words.

B. Thematic puzzles

Select a topic of interest to the person, the picture is the puzzle. For example, when my grandfather used to garden, gardening or vegetables, as the subject of love.
Brainstorm a list of both long and short words on this topic. For the gardening list Soil, seeds, plants, hoe, weed, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, rain, sun and more.
Put the words in a rectangular space of graph paper. Place the longest wordsfirst.
Decide how big the puzzle and make sure that your words fit in this space.
Make a list of words, how to hide them.
Check the puzzle.
Make your puzzle for a gift. Enter the letters and words-list to your computer and add some 'appropriate clip art. Or simply stick cut from the puzzle page graph paper on a blank page and write a list of words on paper. Tuck the puzzle on a card or just the hand to the lucky recipient.

C. Word ListTwist

Choose an interesting topic, make a list of words, and then use only half the words in the puzzle. I once had a puzzle made of roses for a newspaper. I called it "a complicated puzzle." I've included a list of 22 words associated with roses and then asked the solver to 11 of these words were actually in the puzzle.
Or write to find the word boring. For vegetable puzzle of his grandfather, for example, you can hide the names of ten and vegetables do not tell them what they are.

TheirPuzzle-writers could come only with their creative touch to the popular word search puzzle format. Perhaps they will also start compiling their own lists of words to use in the future. And it could only have the same puzzle-writing itch that has this writer ever since he was eight years old!

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