Recently I set my mind to revise the monthly group aims to examine every person as each participant was close to achieving them, and sort all the obstacles in your way.
As we worked our way around the group, recognized as one of the members had gone completely to a halt - you're not making progress on its key objectives for several weeks. I asked a question that gave everyone a break.
"What did you pay?"
Sounds simple. But this is misleading.Some are pure genius in easy to hide.
And 'natural for all of us fear, and say: "Who, me?" I do not tolerate anything! "
When I use the question, I realized that laugh the first response - is all my own reaction, no matter how many times I heard the question.
Our ego seems straight and begins to drift like a defensive child. I, myself, my. "I tolerate? I refuse," "things. I have the life I want. There is nothing inAbout me weak. My tasks are things that only I can not go around again ... "
After a moment, chatting, calm inner voice speaks to the rule. "Well, I'm through the stack of cards that I have, but angry." And: "Well, the house / office / car is not as clean as it should be." And then there's the list of broken electronic equipment, inadequate shoes, and weeds in the garden.
All responses that impersonal feel safe.
When I do this for my groups, and usefor me to push a hundred points.
It may be shocking to make it the first time. Not addressed in trouble a lot!
As of this writing, an interesting change is taking place - one begins to feel lost and religious all at the same time. And there on the page are a rich list of items that can be easily divided into three categories:
The teaser 2 minutes
You know. These are the small tasks that should be answered only a few minutes. But when they arriveSpirit, we pushed to the side as unimportant and flag mentally as "things that I have when I have free time."
They keep popping up and a second nibble of attention and another and another. You can go on for months!
My list includes common elements such as the reorganization of the Cabinet, a spider wandering down a corner of the ceiling and paint the patch to fix missing on the office wall. None of them are important, but always pulling gently on myAttention.
The Tamers of two hours
You could probably find this on your list too: sorting stacks of cards, called again, solving problems, not knowing what could be the result of need, design the layout for the furniture in a room, is just not feel comfortable to for ages.
These are activities that are so common, we all run into. We let them hang over days or even months, instead of solving step into the unknown, they are. Then we spend hours and hours, for weeksThinking 'about', not only between them and eliminate them one by one.
The two-Mind Tangles
Each time you tolerate my list, I admit, there are four or five "biggies" on the list. Normally, I'm thinking about her all the time to write everything. These are the voices that say that was the logical brain, "Just Do!" while my emotional brain says, "Maybe this will just go away."
I see problems and issues that I see in this listThink about how you decide to sit down with my financial adviser, whether any action should I take with my wallet. Another reason is the decision to the implementation and completion of work with a client, the fourth and four times as demanding as my other clients are satisfied very satisfied.
They are full of emotions complicated issues. I expect I do not like, how to manage, and I dance around them, rather than before them on the head.
The irony is that the act of having one of these onusually get resolved in half an hour - less than a quarter of the time we introduce, we would need!
The miracle of their list is the first step of action. The rest of the steps that the solution to all these are usually made within 72 hours.
So do not wait until it stops - be clear about what you "tolerate today, and again all your attention to the things you do with enthusiasm.
Copyright (c) 2009 Linda Feinholz
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