Saturday, April 24, 2010

How Can We Improve Our Self With Our Mind?

We often find ourselves looking at our current situation in life and thinking that it should be better. Although we realize we have some changes to make we fail to do anything to move forward a lot of people associate this problem with procrastination, although procrastination may seem like a reasonable diagnosis of the problem we need to look deeper into the issues and understand that the problem is not that we procrastinate but that we do not challenge our minds to do better.

Our minds are so used to a lack of challenge we basically refuse to exercise our minds in turn creating a "lazy" way of thinking. Your mind is the most powerful thing on this planet and we fail to comprehend that so we fail to take advantage of that. We as humans are responsible for the way the world runs as it does today, but it almost seems as there are two different types of people the thinkers and the users. The thinkers are the people who challenge their minds and create, explore, and seek knowledge, the users are the people who wait for someone else to invent, discover, and grasp knowledge and then use what someone else created without asking any questions. The sad thing is the users make up a large percentage of our population.

There are so many things that go on automatically that we never question and never fully understand and the saddest thing is we are completely content with our ignorance. When will we come to wake up from this ignorance and realize how powerful our minds our? We have the power in our minds to solve any problem that we come across as individuals the problem is we are so used to living in a society that never asks us to use our own mind to come to complex conclusions. Sure we use our mind to figure out what we are going to do during our day but think about the last time you worked out a complex mathematics equation using your own brain or the last time you felt the power of your mind. The fact of the matter is due to the luxuries we take for granted our minds have gone through years of suffering and we lack the drive to improve ourselves and grow as individuals simply because we haven't needed to push ourselves.

If you want to improve your self-image there is a simple way to achieve that, you must treat your mind right. You need to challenge your mind to unlock the powers within. We have the ability to have total self control, to determine what type of mood we will be in and to change anything we are not satisfied with. Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone and gotten to a point of anger that you "cannot" control? Simple exercises of your mind can help stop that. Ask yourself questions, why am I letting something that has no real effect on my life get to me? Or take a step back from the situation and say to yourself by getting this angry nothing is changed and the only person affected by it is me. The sooner you realize that your reaction to a situation can be controlled you will be able to live a happier life.

Things take time and with years of not using the powers of your mind you will need to constantly remind yourself to think. Think about it as if you didn't exercise your body for 18 years you wouldn't get on a treadmill and become thin and in shape it's the same concept with our minds. I urge you to at least try and get your mind thinking there will be a time where we all need to use our minds and if we have weak minds we are then weak. By reading this article you take the first steps into self-improvement start observing your surroundings and questioning everything feed your brain and open your mind.

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